Amidst the evocative audio installation Als alle Ohren hören konnten we stand witness to a profound act of collective remembrance through the concept of "Erinnerungs Patenschaft" or "Remembrance-Partnership." Here, the resonance of deeply personal letters, lovingly addressed to the Rom*nja and Sinti*zze, victims of the Porajmos/Samudaripen, finds its home within listening columns. These letters breathe life into the soil, where history has etched its tragic mark. In the heartfelt letters penned and recorded by contemporary authors, we witness the powerful connection with individual lives and stories from a bygone era. Amidst the echoes of these voices, the installation shines a spotlight on the experiences, aspirations, and struggles of Rom*nja and Sinti*zze artists, activists, scientists, community members, and workers.

  • Aimeé Andersen Ámbédkar Highschool Miskolc
    Alina Kugler
    Andreas Lehner
    Andreas Praher Andreas Sarközi Anna Szepes

  • Balázs Simon
    Boros Tamás

  • Carmen Gheorghe Cat Jugravu

  • Danijela Cicvarić Dániel Kovács
    Dieter Halwachs Dominik Jellen

  • Erőss Nikolett Eszter Vági
    Ethel Carolyn Brooks Eszter Zewde

  • Farkas Ramóna
    Franz Scharl

  • Gilda Horvath
    Günther Jäger Gopalas Michailovskis

  • Herbert Müller
    Husain Baseem Al-twajre

  • Ildikó Végh

This poignant act of active remembrance stands as a counter to static monuments of the past, embracing a concern for history's lessons and personal responsibility towards the future. As the stories of those who once lived are brought back into collective memory, we vow to become bearers of their stories, guardians of their legacy.

Formerly resonating from the very ground surrounding the former Maxglan Forced Labor Camp in Salzburg, the voices of the letter writers have transformed into a wandering memorial, traversing time and space, inspiring contemplation and reflection wherever it journeys. Our accomplices and partners have engaged in the practice of active remembrance in Salzburg, Vienna, Prague and Budapest.

  • Jessica Kemfelj
    Julischka Lehmann Jonas Baur Judit Unger

  • Katharina Graf-Janoska

  • Luca Ménesi Lucia Lakatos
    Ludwig Laher

  • Manuela Horvath
    Marina Ortrud Hertrampf
    Matthias Huber
    Max Leitich
    Michaela Gründler

  • Nataliia Tomenko

  • Peter Liszt
    Petro Rusanienko

  • Ramóna Farkas Robert Gabris
    Robert Obermair

  • Samuel Mago Sandra Selimović Siegfried Trenker
    Stermeczky Zsolt

  • Tamás Kökény Tamás Szegedi
    Trace Müller

  • Ulrike Hatzer

  • Vecky K.

  • William Billa

  • Žaklina Radosavljević


    Kulturverein österreichischer Roma
    Dokumentationsarchiv des österr. Widerstands
    Romano Centro (Wien)
    Apropos Magazin
    maiz Linz - autonomous centre for and by migrants
    Central European University
    HÖR - Hochschüler*innenschaft Österreichischer Roma und Romnja
    Romane Thana
    KZ-Verband / Verband der Antifaschist*innen in Salzburg
    Talk Together Newspaper
    Stadt Salzburg
    Mozarteum University
    HÖR - Hochschüler*innenschaft Österreichischer Roma und Romnja


    Phiren Amenca International Network
    Romano Instituto
    Roma Sajtóközpont
    Kesztyűgyár Közösségi Ház
    Utcaszínházi Alkotóközösség és a TeatRom Fesztivál
    Independent Theater Hungary
    CEU Romani Studies Program
    Uccu Roma Informális Oktatási Alapítvány